Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hodgepodge Questions Volume Brand New Year

1. Times Square is the setting for the infamous ball drop signaling a brand new year....when did you last 'drop the ball' on something? 

~~ I dropped the ball on my 9-year job on September 27, the day I was laid off

2. What is one thing you resolved to do in 2013 that you actually did? 

~~ Survived

3. Jack London is quoted as saying, "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." Agree or disagree? Why? 

~~ With inspiration I would have to disagree with this. For me, inspiration pops out of nowhere, it's never been something I go out and forcefully look for, inspiration is a blessing.

I can understand, and agree with this, if one knows a dream they want to see come true some day. For instance if one knows they want to meet and fall in love someday, but never seem to meet the one who inspires them and joins them in that direction, they should pick up that club, that drive, that dream, and join a dating group or do something that may help them.

4. What was the best thing you ate in 2013? 

~~ Buffalo wings at Eddie's Fresh, a tiny sandwich shop in Dearborn's Parklane Towers, the building my company moved into. They are so juicy, sooooo hot, so yum!

5. Share an anti-resolution...that is, something you plan to keep on doing in the new year. 

~~ Keep my blog going, keep writing 750 Words a day, keep my Listography going

6. The Pantone color of the year for 2014 is radiant orchid. Like or no like? Would I find this color anywhere in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in this shade to either?

~~ I love it, it's very pretty! I'd definitely add more if I had the money, I was laid off of work on September 27, so I rarely add anything of any color anymore. I do have this color in my wardrobe already though!

7. In three words or less sum up your 2013.

~~ Forgettable, numbing, over

8. Insert your own random thought here.

~~ Wishing a very, very happy 2014 to all!

BLOGTHINGS: What's Your New Years Eve Style?

Your New Year's Eve Style Is Casual
You love New Year's Eve, but you keep it more low key than most folks. You think it's the perfect night for staying home.
You're content to snuggle up on the couch, eat yummy take out food, and watch tv waiting for the ball to drop.

Just because you're staying at home, it doesn't mean you'll be rocking the yoga pants all night. You'll at least put on something sparkly.
And since you're staying home, you can break out the crazy hats, sparklers, and horns. You have no problem with a party of one!

Monday, December 30, 2013

BLOGTHINGS: What's Your Courage Word?

Your Courage Word is "Try"
You find that you need the most courage when life gets overwhelming. And you break things down into small steps.
You don't pressure yourself to go big or go home. You think it's enough to try to be a little more courageous.

You like to see yourself as experimenting a bit in life. If something doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world.
By taking the pressure off yourself, you are excited to try more things. You know that change doesn't have to be scary.

Last Monday Quiz Of 2013 #MQAM

Acting Balanced

1. Did you get what you wanted for Christmas?

~~ I didn't want or hope for anything special so yes I guess I did :)

2. Do you plan to make New Year's Resolutions or set new goals? What do you resolve or hope for in the new year?

~~ I have a few, I resolve to get my condo ready to allow in a kitty, to get good lab results in dialysis, be strong enough in my balance and muscles to be able to walk without a cane or walker, get a new job, to follow my blogs faithfully

3. December 30th is National Bicarbonate of Soda day - (yes this is really a day) - what do you use it for?

~~ I use it to look up other crazy food holidays I'd like to celebrate throughout the year

4. Liam wants to know what kind of car you drive... or what kind of car is your dream car?

~~ I drive a convertible cream-colored PT Cruiser, my dream car is a convertible, any kind!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Sunday Social, Week 82

1. What is the best New Years Eve you've ever had?

~~ Really don't have one that was memorable! They all blur in together, usually containing dinner at a restaurant somewhere, and home to bring in midnight

2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what?

~~ Eating dinner at Red Lobster's with my cousins (looking forward to the biscuits! Soooooo good!), then probably head home and watch the Times Square ball drop on TV by my lonesome

3. Name a book we should all read come January?

~~ I'm not as much of the reader I wish I was, can't think of any!

4. What are your new year's resolutions?

~~ Get good reports in my kidney dialysis labs, get a new job, clean my condo IMMACULATELY, allow a cat to adopt me as his "Forever Home", strengthen my muscles and balance so I can walk without a cane or walker, maintain my blog, my Listography, and my 750 Words account all year

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology

For all of you who identify as SCORPIO people: Here are the first two of my Big-Picture Oracles for your life in 2014:

Part 1
Between 2002 and 2009, Buddhist monk Endo Mitsunaga spent a thousand days meditating as he did a ceremonial walk around Mount Hiei in Japan. In 2006, English writer Dave Cornthwaite took 90 days to skateboard across the entire length of Australia, a distance of 3,618 miles. The first man's intentions were spiritual, the second man's adventurous. The coming months will be prime time for you to contemplate both kinds of journeys, Scorpio. The astrological omens suggest that you will generate extra good fortune for yourself by seeking out unfamiliar experiences on the open road. To get yourself in the mood, ruminate on the theme of pilgrimage. 

Part 2
"Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" is a colloquial German term for a mythical pig that lays eggs like a chicken, provides milk like a cow, supplies wool like a sheep, and ultimately becomes bacon and pork chops. Metaphorically, it may refer to a fanciful device that performs many functions. Imagine, for instance, a futuristic smart phone that could interpret your dreams, trim your unwanted hair, fix you a perfect cup of coffee, tell you you're beautiful in ways you actually believe, and cure your little health problems. In the real world, there's no such thing, right? Not yet. But there's a chance you will find the next best thing to an "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" in 2014. 

Sunday Stealing: Questions for a New Year’s Eve Reflection Meme

From the archives!

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?  

~~ I started adopting Betta fish, they're adorable and so relaxing to watch!

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?

~~ I was laid off September 27

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?  

~~ Finding cool websites, such as 750 Words

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?

~~ I didn't think I'd be laid off, I worked there for 9 years, won awards for good work, but due to my cut in hours because of a need to be at dialysis and various surgeries my work deteriorated within the company

5. Pick three words to describe 2013.  

~~ Forgettable, passing, numb

6. What were the best books you read this year?  

~~ Didn't read anything

7. With whom were your most valuable relationships?  

~ Co-workers Keith and Betty, my sister Carole

8. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?  

~~ Being laid off from work

9. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?  

~~ I'm not fearing death as much, ready to meet my Maker, even if He reopens a nasty spot in Purgatory just for me alone

10. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?  

~~ Yell at God, eh, pray more

11. In what way(s) did you grow physically?  

~~  I don't feel as awkward having to walk with a cane or walker when I go out

12. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?  

~~ I accept more help, not as vain with people 

13. What was the most enjoyable part of your work?  

~~ The people I worked with

14. What was the most challenging part of your work?

~~ Calling people over and over and over and over again trying to get them to send their pledges in, hearing people from all across the country cuss me out over and over and over and over again

15. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?  

~~  Spending too much time surfing about on the Internet

16. What was the best way you used your time this past year?

~~ Vegetation, it's so relaxing! And it soothes me after dialysis

17. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?

~~ That writing 750 words a day is a great asset to the psyche

18. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2013 for you.

~~ When there's nothing left, anything can happen

Saturday 9: Baby, It's Cold Outside

1) How cold is it where you are?

~~ it is currently a balmy 45 degrees here in Livonia Michigan

2) This familiar song was introduced in a 1949 film called Neptune's Daughter. (watch a clip here). Name another movie song.

~~ I can name many, I love musicals, but the first to pop into mind is Grease

3) Who was the last person to call you "baby?"

~~ I don't remember ever being called "baby", except by my dad, who passed away in 2010!

4) This time of year is important to college football fans. Have you watched/will you watch any bowl games?

~~ No way! I hate watching sports, except for figure skating and horse racing, on TV!

5)  Are you sad to see the holiday decorations begin to slowly disappear? Or do you think they should all come down right away?

~~ I didn't put any up in my condo but I'm sad to see the decorations go down elsewhere, I like a gradual withdrawal, but I also like to see St. Valentines Day decor go up, then St. Patty's Day, there's always some reason or event to decorate for!

6) Did you tell the truth about your weight on your driver's license, or did you shave off a pound or two?

~~ I'm sure I probably shaved off a pound or two, or five!

7) Crazy Sam swears that the Echinacea she takes every morning keeps her healthy. Her boyfriend tells her she's wasting her money. Do you take any herbal supplements?

~~ Nope, I do once in a while but when I do I can't tell any difference in my health or energy so it doesn't last long

8) The average restaurant in the US tip is 18%. Are you a generous tipper?

~~ Usually not, usually I stick to 15%, but sometimes, once in a great great while, when I have an incredible waiter, I can be

9) This is the last Saturday 9 of 2013. Do you know the lyrics to "Auld Lang Syne?"

~~ Up to a pint, I know "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days o' lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, We'll take a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne." There's a whole bunch of words that follow, I think

Saturday Six #507

1. What did you like least about kindergarten?

~~ When it was time to play with the kickball! I was never ever ever sports-minded!

2. What did you dread in elementary school?

~~ Gym class. I hated it so much I once wrote a letter excusing me for the day,  supposedly written by my mom, and telling my teacher that another student, who lived on the street behind me, was given it from my mom to give to her, that was either 3rd or 4th grade! I could come up with whoppers back then!

3. What did you like least about middle school or junior high?

~~ Going to a different school I had grown use to, I was painfully shy and very nervous about going to a new school

4. What were you most self-conscious about in high school?

~~ Basically everything, I was voted "Shyest" and "Quietest" every year

5. What single grade or year of school was your favorite and why?

~~ Probably 3rd grade, I enjoyed my school, kids weren't bullies yet

6. Think of the person from school you’ve known the longest and that you still keep in touch with: how long have you two known each other?

~~ It would have to be someone who I have as a friend on Facebook, and who I went to kindergarten with, so I guess we've known each other since 1969, so 44 years! 

Six Word Memoir

Leaving 2013 with bittersweet heartfelt hope

BLOGTHINGS: What Flavor Macaroon Are You?

You Are a Strawberry Macaroon
You are a very popular person, although it would embarrass you to have to actually admit it to anyone.
You are well loved and trusted. People know what to expect from you - and that's a good thing!

You are actually a bit shy and introverted. You aren't an open book, but you are devoted to those you love.
You are content with yourself and don't care what others say. You are simply a compassionate person who treats everyone well.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

BLOGTHINGS: What Color Journal Should You Write In?

You Should Write in a Black Journal
Your journal is where you dish everything. Your book is juicy and full of your deepest secrets.
For you, writing is how you purge what has happened to you. Your journal absorbs and distances all negative energy.

Your journal may be a bit scandalous, but it's also very well written. You know how to keep it contained and well edited.
You are good at spinning a story. You write compelling beginnings and endings while keeping a bit of mystery.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

BLOGTHINGS: What's Your Christmas Eve Personality?

Your Christmas Eve is Hopeful

For you, Christmas Eve is the most exciting night of the year. You can't wait to wake up on Christmas morning. You may not believe in Santa any longer, but you still are dying to know what's waiting for you under the tree this year. You are the type most likely to have a lot of Christmas Eve traditions. You settle in for the long wait. You may have trouble sleeping a more than a few winks on Christmas Eve, but that's okay with you. You love this special night.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Quiz About Me

Acting Balanced

1. What is left on your holiday to do list?

~~ Make an origami Christmas tree to set by my fish bowl

2. December 24th,along with being Christmas Eve, is National Egg Nog Day - will you partake?  Homemade? Store Bought?

~~ I love egg nog! I won't buy any for myself but I'm glad my sister will have some at her house on Christmas. I'm sure it will be store bought.

3. Do you leave treats for Santa and his Reindeer?

~~ No, I know they're busy so I'll let them miss my house. I hope my fish are OK with that

4. Elf on a Shelf, pro or con?

~~ What's that? I'll do some research and let you know next year

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Sunday Social, Week 81

1. What is your favorite holiday season tradition?

~~ Giving presents that will light up someone's heart

2. Do you have a certain holiday movie you watch more than others? If so, what is it?

~~ Scrooge, I've watched it soooo many times already this year, I love that movie!

3. Show us your favorite decoration or pinterest decoration you wish you could have?

~~ I love the seaside Christmas decorations I've been seeing and I'm sure my fish would approve!

4. What is your favorite holiday song?

~~ Oh Holy Night

5. What is your favorite holiday dessert?

~~ Homemade cookies

6. What is on your wish list this year?

  ~~ Good health, good friends, good placement in a good job - I guess I'm wishing for a lot!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sunday Stealing: A Christmas Meme

From the archives!

1. The Christmas song I can listen to even in June is...

~~ Snoopy vs The Red Baron (Snoopy's Christmas)

2. Hot Chocolate, Egg Nog or Mulled wine?

~~ Hot chocolate, I'm currently addicted to Tim Horton's hot chocolate with mint flavoring

3. When do you put your decorations up? 

~~ No decorations to put up

4. What are you having for Christmas dinner? 

~~ My sister is making ham, not sure about the sides

5. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? 

~~ Exchanging presents

6. Have you ever gone Carol singing? 

~~ Yes, back in the 80's with my church youth group

7. When did you learn the truth about Santa? 

~~ My older brothers told me. I remember him asking me "Have you ever noticed that Santa's and mom's handwriting is the same?" I was bummed for a moment but kept going to see Santa thinking I'd still get twice the presents I would have gotten -one set from my parents, one they signed as Santa. It really didn't dawn on me until years later that if I hadn't done that the amounts would still be the same, my mom would have just signed them all from her and my dad.

8. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? 

~~ I don't have one, I live alone in a condo, I think all the decorations were tossed out when I moved here in 2010. I haven't had the money or drive to get new things.

9. What's the best thing about Christmas? 

~~ It feels like one grand festive party has invaded the land.

10. All I want for Christmas is... 

~~ A job, my health, my medical bills paid, and yummy homemade cookies

Saturday 9: Happy Holidays!

1. As you can see, when Sam Winters was a little girl, she loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. If you could ask Santa for anything at all, right now, what would it be?

~~ Health, to be healthy enough to not need kidney dialysis, not need to walk with a walker or cane, have the energy and strength to go dancing, sledding, running, and kite flying

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there?

~~ I'd have to say naughty, with unemployment, major medical problems, too much time on my hands alone, I find myself cussing God out quite a bit

3. Are you traveling this Christmas? If so, are you going by car, plane or train?

~~ Spending Christmas at my sister's house, going there, about five miles away, by car

4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? 

~~ Yes! Three books - Angel Days (Terry Lynn Taylor),  Angels Meditative Coloring Book (Aliyah Schick), and Angel Origami (Nick Robinson)

5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie or TV special? Have you seen it yet this year?

~~ Scrooge, I've seen it about six times in the past week alone! I taped it when it first came on this year and have watched it over and over and over again

6. Which do you prefer: candy canes or gingerbread?

~~ Gingerbread

7. Close your eyes and tell us the first carol that comes to mind.

~~ The First Noel

8. What's your favorite winter beverage?

~~ Hot coco, especially hot coco with mint flavoring from Tim Horton's! It's become my newest addiction!

9. What will you remember most about 2013?

~~ Being laid off from a job I held for 9 years! I definitely do not miss the job itself, but I miss my great friends and co-workers I worked with!

Six Word Memoir

Hello winter! Pleeeease do be kind!

BLOGTHINGS: What's Your Winter Personality?

Your Winter Personality is Comfortable
When the weather gets cold, you love to settle in and get cozy. There's nothing better than being tucked under a warm blanket.
You can't help but be influenced by the world around you, and winter is your time to slow down and relax.

You are genuinely nice and a joy to be around. You have a natural serenity that makes others feel calm.
You are unpretentious and very real. You find it easy to connect to others just by being yourself.

BLOGTHINGS: What's Your Winter Sense?

Your Winter Sense is Taste
You love wonderful tastes, so how could you resist the delicious food of winter.
And between Christmas and Valentine's Day, you're covered for tasty sweet treats.

You've also got a fondness for seasonal beverages of all sorts? Peppermint hot chocolate or gingerbread latte anyone?
And who could forget Christmas dinner? No matter what can be said about winter, it's a good season for eating.

December 2013 - Numerology

If you are in a 7 PERSONAL YEAR, December is a 1 PERSONAL MONTH for you: Your 7 Year has been a journey in self-discovery as you have been doing a lot of inner work and soul growth. You will find December to be a welcome change as it brings focus to your career and gives you renewed energy. There is a good possibility that something is new on the agenda with work and possibly will bring about a change in direction as well as good financial news. You may be singing “Jingle Bells” before the month is said and done.

Still, you have left many things unsaid on a personal level and have been lost in your thoughts for the most part of the year which can bring about a misunderstanding with your loved ones. This is a good time to express yourself and share with others your deepest feelings.

  ~ OM Times