Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Stealing: The Fast Dozen Meme

From the archives at All Stace, All The Time

1. What is the last book that you passed on to someone else to read?

~~ It's been years but it was The Year 1000, by Robert Lacey and Danny Danziger, passed it on to my sister. A cool book about the year 1,000, I 'd like to read the entire book someday!

2. The one song you secretly or not so secretly want to sing at karaoke?

~~ You're The One That I Want from Grease seems like it would be fun

3. If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?

~~ Probably the name of a beautiful gem or stone, like Crystal, Jade, Opal, Sapphire. I really wouldn't want any name other than Melissa though. My dad wanted me to be named Amanda, I'm glad my mom won!

4. What do you wish your administrator or boss would notice?

~~ I was laid off in September so I guess I wish he'd notice I was a great worker and bring me back!

5. What is your biggest pet peeve?

~~ Rudeness, especially when heard in someone's voice over inane things

6. What holds you back in pursuing your biggest dream?

~~ I'd have to say my health, it's hard to keep my energy up and keep moving. I am really tired of needing my walker or cane to leave my condo, so my biggest dream now has changed to regain my strength to go without it

7. Why do you think you are a lovable person?

~~ I'm always very laid back

8. If every day had an extra hour in it, what would you do with it?

~~ Meditate, pray, talk to God, or color a picture in my Angels: Meditative Coloring Book for Him

9. The last song you turned up in your car or house was?

~~ Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen

10. What is a secret talent you may have?

~~ Interior Decorating!

11. Your favorite thing to do outside when it's not too cold out in the winter?

~~ Go for a drive through Hines

12. How do you respond if someone asks you an inappropriate or nosy question?

~~ Depends on the person, and the question. If it's my sister asking, I'll answer, but then again she's way too smart too ask overly nosy questions

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Six Word Saturday

I've fallen behind for 2014, ...already???

Saturday 9: That 's My Kind Of Night

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, our hero offers to take his girl down to the river to catch a catfish dinner. What is your favorite seafood?

~~ I LOVE seafood! My favorite is probably clam chowder, lobster, scallops, I went to Red Libster for New Year's Eve and reeeeeally enjoyed their crab and lobster stuffed mushrooms

2) Luke Bryan went to Georgia State University, home of the Panthers. What was your school mascot?

~~ Went to Henry Ford Community College, home of the Hawks, and University Of Michigan, home of the Wolverines

3) Have you ever tried acupuncture?

~~ No, I would though, just to see what happens. My brother did to stop smoking and when it was over he walked outside and lit up.

4) Just last night, Crazy Sam threw away a jar of Miracle Whip because it expired in September 2013. Is your refrigerator neat and organized? Or is it a disaster area, like Sam's?

~~ It's a wee bit of a tiny mess

5) Which is more important to you -- saving time or saving money?

~~ Saving money, being unemployed and owing thousands of dollars in medical bills I need all the dollars I can get. Time, I have way too much time on my hands.

6) Sam's next door neighbor is named Jim. He's retired, smokes a pipe and drives a red Corolla. Tell us about one of your neighbors.

~~ I live in a condo across from a lady named Jackie who I haven't seen for awhile. A few days ago while doing my laundry I noticed her storage unit was much emptier than it use to be and tonight when I arrived home I noticed a couple people in her place moving many bags out of her place. I hope she's OK, she did have a stroke about a year ago.

7) What's the most recent magazine you flipped through?

~~ Spirituality & Health, I got the first issue of my new subscription

8)  Could your vehicle use a trip to the car wash right now?

~~ Yea, it could use one but being a convertible it's never been in one!

9) Did you hit the snooze button this morning?

~~ No, I usually always do but I didn't sleep at all last night. I found myself listening to Blogtalkradio's Healing Light archived radio show for the first time and really enjoyed it that I didn't allow myself to turn it off! I figured I'd fall back to sleep while having dialysis anyhow!

Saturday Six #509

1. B is for BANK: How many different banks do you do business with, or do you have all of your money in one single bank?

~~ One

2. B is for BATH: When was the last time you took a nice, long, relaxing bath without having to be rushed?

~~ Too long, it's been years! I love baths, especially just sitting there in the water with no lights on, just pure darkness - so relaxing!

3. B is for BEAR: What’s your favorite kind of bear and why?

~~ Panda bears, I find them to be the cutest

4. B is for BICKER: Who was the last person you got into a disagreement with, and have you apologized or reconciled the situation?

~~ I got into a small disagreement with my dialysis nurse when I called in for the second time last week. I didn't want to face the wild drive in the snow so regardless of how she felt I wasn't going in. I told her my car wasn't running, and nope, it didn't ;) 

5. B is for BOOK: Which book did you spend the most time reading in 2013?

~~ Didn't read a  book in 2013 

6. B is for BROKEN: What item did you break most recently inside the home?

~~ A incense burner, a very pretty incense burner given to me from my Secret Santa at work a couple years back, broke it about a month ago, I really liked it! My presenter said she got from Pier One, I want to get a replacement just like it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday

1. According to Dr. Medley my new port sounds good and is able to start being used. I'll have my two year old catheter taken out in two weeks! Yay! Tomorrow I'll, supposedly, be using the new port for the first time. I'll bring some scissors with me so Gracie can cut my warm ups where she needs them to be cut. I hope it's not going to be painful putting needles in. I'lll scream and act like a baby if it does!

2. Spoke with Betty this week, she texted me and I called her, I'm glad I did, it was nice to finally speak with her. Chemo has been knocking her for a loop. I wish we had the chance to drive through Hines around Christmas time to see the holiday lights (Wayne County Lightfest). Hopefully next year, and that will be here before you know it!

3. I took two days off from dialysis last week, Saturday and Tuesday. The roads were dangerous, from the "Snowpocalypse", and a mess from all the snow. On Saturday I "called in sick" and Tuesday "my car was down". Yes, I am a liar when I gotta be! But I was happy cozy under my covers as I lay on my couch with my blanket covering me.

4. I've got my mind on Girl Scout cookies! I e-mailed Sherice, texted Heidi, and asked Carmelita on Words if they know anyone who sells them at work, they don't know of anyone. Carole said Sara has a friend who sells, but I'll probably just buy them in front of Kroger's where a able is set up. They're $4 this year! And you don't get many in a box. I love the peanut butter cookies, and the peanut butter sandwich creams, and the mint ones too. It's traditional to buy at least one box a year!

5. Yes, I'm still "trying", thinking of singing The Unicorn

6. Commercials for the Winter Olympics have been popping up on TV, it begins February 6, and will be held in Russia. I look forward to the figure skating and bob sledding.

7. Learned that my favorite actor on The Young And The Restless, Michael Muhney, who played Adam Newman, was let go for touching and groping Hunter King, the girl who plays Summer. I really liked him but if he did this I'm glad the show let him go.

Friday 5 for January 10: Ritual de lo Habitual

1.  What’s a bad habit you’d like to get rid of? 

~~ Being a mess! 

2.  What’s a good habit that’s taken you really long to establish? 

~~ Getting use to waking up early to be at kidney dialysis at 5:45 AM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays

3.  What’s a good habit that doesn’t take much effort but others seem to envy? 

~~ It's not one I do, but making and saving money for some lucky few doesn't seem to take much effort, no effort at all, but it's a very enviable trait -I wish I had it!

4.  What kind of unusual rituals do you go through in daily life? 

~~ Making sure I write 750 words every day!

5.  What’s the weirdest ritual you’ve heard of in others? 

~~ Before going to bed every night my dad would say his poem. It's not something I grew up with, he just started saying it the last years of his life

"The time has come to say good bye
  The bee must kiss the butterfly
  The sparkling dew must kiss the grass
  And you my friends, ...farewell"

I miss that!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Stealing: The Generic Meme

From Remember the Stars

1. What did you want to be when you were little? 

~~ Many things! A teacher, a nun at one point (had a crush on a priest!), a jockey (though I was never on a horse!), a writer, a singer, a model, a retreat leader, a youth minister, a psychologist

2. Would you prefer to have a large group of friends, or a small group of friends? Why? 

~~ A small group of friends. I like to make things and buy things for friends, if I have a large group of friends then I feel like I'm leaving someone out or I'm spending ALOT of money I don't have.

3. What is your fashion “style”? Or what type of clothes do you wear on a daily basis? 

~~ Jeans, sweater

4. If you could live anywhere where would you live? 

~~ Next to the ocean, it would be cool to live in a lighthouse!

5. What is your biggest hope for the next year? 

~~ Clean my condo and adopt a cat

6. When you pass by reflective surfaces do you check yourself out? 

~~ Quickly and briefly

7. Favorite genre of movie as well as TV show? 

~~ Movie - horror, dramas
     TV show - ghost shows

8. Top favorite books? (limit of 5) 

~~ The Book Of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler

9. Have you ever taken a cooking class? 

~~ Nope, I'd like to though! 

10. What three words would you use to describe yourself? 

~~ ?, ?, ?

11. Favorite animal? 

~~ So many! But the top? I'd have to say cats!

12. What is your dream job? 

~~ Parapsychologist

13. If you could go back in history to any moment that you did not live, what would it be and why? 

~~ The Last Supper, I'd love to sit and talk with Christ right before his crucifixion, just to get his thoughts on everything

14. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why? 

~~ Mind reading, I'd learn many things about people that I want to know

15. What is your favorite movie? 

~~ Somewhere In Time, it also has my favorite movie soundtrack!

16. What is your best childhood memory? 

~~ This week it's been remembering living next door to a big parking lot. After it would snow, and the snow was plowed up to the walls, my brothers, sister and I would climb across the snow mountains! Fun! My " best childhood memory" changes quite a bit!

17. What is your favorite part about blogging? 

~~ Learning about myself, and looking back at memories I kept

18. What is your favorite quote? 

~~ "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away." ~Hilary Cooper

19. What song do you feel like describes your life the best? Why? 

~~ "One" by Three Dog Night, because I'm ALWAYS alone

20. Would you describe yourself as shy or outgoing?

~~ Shy, in 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades I was voted "Shyest" and "Quietest" in school! I don't think I'm as shy as I use to be, in most situations!


The Sunday Social, Week 83

1. Do you plan to change any of your eating habits in the new year?

~~ Yes, I hope to! I have to start eating a lot more protein and a lit less phosphorous to have successful lab results in dialysis

2. Any workout tips to get us back in shape after the holidays?

~~ Stay with it! Persist on a regular schedule, don't overdo it, don't be lame

3. What is your favorite thing you did over the holidays?

~~ Dropped in to see my old co-workers from the job I was laid off from in September, and had a grand dinner at my sisters house

4. What is something you hope that you accomplish in 2014 that you did not in 2013?

~ Clean my condo out, prepare it so I can confidently allow a cat to adopt me

5. Name 3 things happening this year you are excited about and why.

1. A friend I worked with is going to become a grandmother in July! Her daughter has been trying for years to conceive and YAY it's happened! My friend is going to be an incredibly great grandma and I'm so happy for her!
2. Finding a new job, I've been laid off since September 27 and am so bored with too much time on my hands
3. Cleaning my place out to bring a new cat into my life!

Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?

1.  Ocean Jasper: Breakthroughs in physical and emotional healing, and a whole lot of fun!   Ocean Jasper is a whimsical stone of good energy and good news for you in 2014.  You have been on a path of transformation and growth, working diligently to heal old patterns that no longer serve you.  Maybe you hit some rough patches in the last few years, as the planetary energies accelerated and brought lessons to you.  From a higher perspective the lessons are set-ups, put in place so that you can overcome them and fully embrace the truth–that you are a spiritual master with unlimited potential!  It hasn’t always been easy.  Perhaps the lessons manifested in your physical body as a health issue, addiction pattern, or negative body image. Or maybe you felt it more in the emotional body as depression, anxiety, or feeling low or stuck.  The good news is that you have been making more progress than you might realize. And this year you have massive potential for positive breakthroughs and the total healing of core issues. Choosing Ocean Jasper signifies that you have some high level spirit guides working with you this year to lighten things up.  Expect positive energy to start flowing into all areas of your life.  Allow it in. Allow it to lift your heart, your mood, your thinking, and your outlook.  If you let it in and dedicate yourself to doing the work, it will start a chain reaction of healing and forward movement.  It will flow deep into the cellular level, to assist in clearing the underlying patterns that have created any undesirable events or situations in your life.  You will have all of the help you need to move through things with ease and grace.  Even if you have been contending with a serious health challenge or a debilitating emotional space, know that this is the year where you can gain traction and the ability to heal it completely, once and for all! This year, you are also destined to have much more fun than you have in recent years.  Expect your social calendar to be full of events that make you smile from your soul.  This is your year to come out from under the clouds and to shine like the sun.  You absolutely deserve it!

Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday 9: Believe

1) In 1998, Cher became the oldest woman to top the Billboard Hot 100 with "Believe." She was 52 at the time. At what age do you think you did hit/will hit your prime? 

~~ My prime? The day I was born! And God allows this perfection He created to walk the earth and get better day by day by day by day!

2) Cher is as well known for her outrageous outfits as for her singing. What's the latest piece of clothing you added to your wardrobe? 

~~ My sister gave me a pretty blouse in October, my birthday

3) Cher credits her unique looks to her diverse ethnicity. Her father was Armenian and her mom is English/German/Cherokee. From where did your ancestors come? 

~~ I'm a melting pot! On my mom's side I am French, Irish, and Italian. On my dad's, I am German, Native American, Irish, Dutch

4) When she was a little girl, Cher produced and starred in a schoolyard production of Oklahoma. Were you involved in drama or theater in school? 

~~ I would have been, if we had that. I was in our choir though!

5) Cher is open about her plastic surgery, speaking freely about having had her breasts 'done', her nose bobbed and her teeth straightened. If you could change one physical feature about yourself, which would it be? And what would you never change, under any circumstances? 

~~ I'd change the weakness in my walk I gathered after laying in a hospital bed for so long, I was also told that after my hip surgery my leg is now shorter - and I can certainly feel this while walking. What wouldn't I change? The color of my eyes, I like green eyes!

6) There's a stubborn rumor, often denied, that Cher had a rib removed so that she could maintain her long and lean silhouette. What's the most outrageous thing anyone has said of you? 

~~ Really can't think of anything!

7) When she was a kid, Cher practiced her autograph. Do you have a clear, legible signature? Or is it more of a scrawl?

~~ It's clear, it's legible, I like it!

8) Cher asks, "Do you believe in life after love?" Crazy Sam's question is easier and less profound: Do you believe in luck? 

~~ I believe in both!

9) Did you make any resolutions for 2014?

~~ Several! Clean my condo, allow a cat to adopt me as his "Forever Home", strengthen my balance and leg muscles so I can walk without a walker or cane, find a new job, write 750 Words a day

Six Word Saturday

January 4? The year is flying!

Saturday Six #508

1. A is for ABORTION: Do you feel that at least in certain circumstances, abortion should be an allowed option for couples, or would you ban it entirely for any reason whatsoever?

~~ No, I don't believe it should be. If a couple doesn't want a fetus it shouldn't be killed, put the baby up for adoption. 

2. A is for ABSENTEE: Have you ever voted by absentee ballot? If so, how well did it go?

~~ Nope, never did that

3. A is for ACHILLES: Which non-diet food is your biggest weakness?

~~ So many answers for this one! I guess chocolate, I'm a serious chocolaholic!

4. A is for AIRCRAFT: What’s the largest plane you’ve flown in and where were you going?

~~ I've flown a couple times (to Houston, and to Myrtle Beach) but I really can't remember what planes I flew in

5. A is for ARCHITECTURE: What is the most impressive structure you’ve seen in person?

~~ The tunnel that connects Detroit to Windsor, it seems while driving in it all you do is turn! 

6. A is for ASTRONOMY: Other than Earth, which planet in our solar system are you most curious about?

~~ Probably Saturn, the rings are cool!

Friday, January 3, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday

~ Happy 2014! I love the first beginnings of the year, the change of a calendar to a totally new one. I always feel such hope that maybe this year will rock. And maybe this tear WILL! My wall calendar for 2014 is Doreen Virtue's Angel Calendar. I wanted something inspirational!

~ The year has started with lots and lots of snow. It's pretty but I hate driving in it, and I hate people who leave their dogs and pets out in it. I love to watch it fall and I love cozying myself underneath warm blankets. My favorite is my warm and cozy green electric heating blanket Carole gave me for Christmas last year. I've never plugged it into the wall yet but it's soft and warm without doing that.I love my blanket!

~ I'm still waiting to see if my newest dialysis port is going to do the trick. My dialysis nurse Gracie doesn't look too confident with it. She doesn't seem to hear the thrill that she's suppose to. This was number 7 or 8 put in, I've lost count, but I'm done with the surgeries so if it doesn't work, say la vie. I have an appointment with my doc on Wednesday.

~ Betty is sick, her grandson called and she's been having some major chemo being done for her cancer. I've tried calling and texting but haven't spoken with her for weeks. I hope she's OK. Sherice, her work supervisor and my ex-supervisor (I was laid off in September) hasn't had an opportunity to speak with her either. I wish we could have had that chance to see the holiday lights in Heins.

~ Went to Red Lobster with Bob and Liz on New Year's Eve for dinner. I love their rolls!  I was home by 10:30 where I just chilled out alone watching TV for the rest of the evening.

~ I started cleaning out my condo today, that's my number one goal for the year. I want it clean enough that I can allow a new cat to adopt me as his "Forever Home". I can have an art center here, a clean and refreshing meditation area, a nice kitchen to cook in. But I want it clean. IMMACULATELY!

~ I miss having a job. I miss going out and seeing people, the only place I go now is early morning 5:45 AM dialysis on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I try to write 750 words a day and it's a challenge because there's nothing to write about. There is nothing happening in my life. I don't want to find a job while waiting to see if I will need another surgery, and when, because I'll need to have a schedule that coincides.

Five Minute Friday : Fight

"You have to fight for your right to party" When I first hear the word fight this song pops into mind. One of my favorites actually! Then I think about the fights that occur in my daily life and my mind turns from one of jubilation into one of "Yowza". Last year was a tough one for me. Laid off after working for my company for 9 years. I once won awards here, then two years ago I found myself in the hospital for kidney failure then back in with a broken hip. I lost much time off work for this, months actually, and due to dialysis I started to lose even more time away from work, which made my success at work suffer. Now I have to fight, somehow, to make myself raise to, well, not the top of what use to be my game but the top of what I can be now. I have to fight for this, I have to fight myself, fight that part that sometimes wants to lie down and keep suffering.

Friday 5 For January 3: Useless

1. What item in your house is pleasantly useless?

~~ The only thing I can think of is my laundry carrier. I have to go down two flights of stars in my condo to do laundry, we don't have an elevator,  and I use a walker and cane. To carry my laundry I use a garbage bag. The laundry carrier could be fun for a new cat, like it was for my Smokie, when I finally get one!

2. What in your house was used exactly once and will probably never be used for its intended purpose again?

~~ I live in a small condo, everything is used or out it goes!

3. What situation do you continue to attempt repairing ‘though your efforts appear to be useless?

~~ Certain relationships that have totally fallen apart with people I keep telling myself I'm crazy about

4. What are your thoughts on belly buttons?

~~ I like them, they're cute!

5. What food item at your grocery store keeps calling out to you, ‘though you have no idea what you’d do with it?

~~ There isn't one. Being so low on funds I only go in with a list of what I want at that very moment, if I "have no idea what I'd do with it", it isn't going to be bought

~~ Friday 5

Thursday, January 2, 2014

THURSDAY THIRTEEN: Thirteen Things I Would Like To Do This Year

1. Clean my condo IMMACULATLY
2. Allow a cat to adopt me as his "Forever Home"
3. Find a new job
4. Strengthen my leg muscles and balance so I can walk without a cane and walker
5. Write 750 Words every day
6. Take a photo every day
7.  Keep my blog going
8. Keep my Listography going
9. Get good lab results in dialysis
10. Communicate with my spirit guide and angels 
11. Dream lucidly 
12. Clean fish bowls, laundry once a week
13. Meditate 30 minutes a day

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January Numerology

If you are in an 8 PERSONAL YEAR, January is a 9 PERSONAL MONTH for you: It is time to emerge from the fog you have been in but you may feel a little confusion about exactly how to proceed. The good news is that you have done a lot of personal growth in the past year and are on sounder ground for the future. This year will be one that brings you recognition and rewards and even financial gains so you have allot to look forward to. Still, there is some letting go to do. You may have stress on a relationship and decide to end it. You may also be looking at other areas of your life where it is time to let go of things that are no longer serving your highest and greatest good. Best to make those changes so you can move forward. Your finances are set to improve over the year and experiencing difficulties with finances at this point only serves to motivate you to set goals and work smarter and harder to avoid being in this position. Next month will bring greater clarity so be patient this month.

~ Visible By Numbers