Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday Six #509

1. B is for BANK: How many different banks do you do business with, or do you have all of your money in one single bank?

~~ One

2. B is for BATH: When was the last time you took a nice, long, relaxing bath without having to be rushed?

~~ Too long, it's been years! I love baths, especially just sitting there in the water with no lights on, just pure darkness - so relaxing!

3. B is for BEAR: What’s your favorite kind of bear and why?

~~ Panda bears, I find them to be the cutest

4. B is for BICKER: Who was the last person you got into a disagreement with, and have you apologized or reconciled the situation?

~~ I got into a small disagreement with my dialysis nurse when I called in for the second time last week. I didn't want to face the wild drive in the snow so regardless of how she felt I wasn't going in. I told her my car wasn't running, and nope, it didn't ;) 

5. B is for BOOK: Which book did you spend the most time reading in 2013?

~~ Didn't read a  book in 2013 

6. B is for BROKEN: What item did you break most recently inside the home?

~~ A incense burner, a very pretty incense burner given to me from my Secret Santa at work a couple years back, broke it about a month ago, I really liked it! My presenter said she got from Pier One, I want to get a replacement just like it.

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