Sunday, January 5, 2014

Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?

1.  Ocean Jasper: Breakthroughs in physical and emotional healing, and a whole lot of fun!   Ocean Jasper is a whimsical stone of good energy and good news for you in 2014.  You have been on a path of transformation and growth, working diligently to heal old patterns that no longer serve you.  Maybe you hit some rough patches in the last few years, as the planetary energies accelerated and brought lessons to you.  From a higher perspective the lessons are set-ups, put in place so that you can overcome them and fully embrace the truth–that you are a spiritual master with unlimited potential!  It hasn’t always been easy.  Perhaps the lessons manifested in your physical body as a health issue, addiction pattern, or negative body image. Or maybe you felt it more in the emotional body as depression, anxiety, or feeling low or stuck.  The good news is that you have been making more progress than you might realize. And this year you have massive potential for positive breakthroughs and the total healing of core issues. Choosing Ocean Jasper signifies that you have some high level spirit guides working with you this year to lighten things up.  Expect positive energy to start flowing into all areas of your life.  Allow it in. Allow it to lift your heart, your mood, your thinking, and your outlook.  If you let it in and dedicate yourself to doing the work, it will start a chain reaction of healing and forward movement.  It will flow deep into the cellular level, to assist in clearing the underlying patterns that have created any undesirable events or situations in your life.  You will have all of the help you need to move through things with ease and grace.  Even if you have been contending with a serious health challenge or a debilitating emotional space, know that this is the year where you can gain traction and the ability to heal it completely, once and for all! This year, you are also destined to have much more fun than you have in recent years.  Expect your social calendar to be full of events that make you smile from your soul.  This is your year to come out from under the clouds and to shine like the sun.  You absolutely deserve it!

Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?

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