Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sunday Stealing: A Christmas Meme

From the archives!

1. The Christmas song I can listen to even in June is...

~~ Snoopy vs The Red Baron (Snoopy's Christmas)

2. Hot Chocolate, Egg Nog or Mulled wine?

~~ Hot chocolate, I'm currently addicted to Tim Horton's hot chocolate with mint flavoring

3. When do you put your decorations up? 

~~ No decorations to put up

4. What are you having for Christmas dinner? 

~~ My sister is making ham, not sure about the sides

5. What is your favorite Christmas tradition? 

~~ Exchanging presents

6. Have you ever gone Carol singing? 

~~ Yes, back in the 80's with my church youth group

7. When did you learn the truth about Santa? 

~~ My older brothers told me. I remember him asking me "Have you ever noticed that Santa's and mom's handwriting is the same?" I was bummed for a moment but kept going to see Santa thinking I'd still get twice the presents I would have gotten -one set from my parents, one they signed as Santa. It really didn't dawn on me until years later that if I hadn't done that the amounts would still be the same, my mom would have just signed them all from her and my dad.

8. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? 

~~ I don't have one, I live alone in a condo, I think all the decorations were tossed out when I moved here in 2010. I haven't had the money or drive to get new things.

9. What's the best thing about Christmas? 

~~ It feels like one grand festive party has invaded the land.

10. All I want for Christmas is... 

~~ A job, my health, my medical bills paid, and yummy homemade cookies


  1. I hope that you get all those things that you want for Christmas. And that you have a Merry One!

  2. I hope you get your Christmas wish. I haven't heard that Snoopy and Red Baron song in ages!

  3. I'm not much for decorating for just myself, either.

  4. I'll add my wishes, too, that all of your Christmas wishes come true. And #8 is so true! One great big, festive Party has invaded the land!
