Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hodgepodge Questions Volume Brand New Year

1. Times Square is the setting for the infamous ball drop signaling a brand new year....when did you last 'drop the ball' on something? 

~~ I dropped the ball on my 9-year job on September 27, the day I was laid off

2. What is one thing you resolved to do in 2013 that you actually did? 

~~ Survived

3. Jack London is quoted as saying, "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." Agree or disagree? Why? 

~~ With inspiration I would have to disagree with this. For me, inspiration pops out of nowhere, it's never been something I go out and forcefully look for, inspiration is a blessing.

I can understand, and agree with this, if one knows a dream they want to see come true some day. For instance if one knows they want to meet and fall in love someday, but never seem to meet the one who inspires them and joins them in that direction, they should pick up that club, that drive, that dream, and join a dating group or do something that may help them.

4. What was the best thing you ate in 2013? 

~~ Buffalo wings at Eddie's Fresh, a tiny sandwich shop in Dearborn's Parklane Towers, the building my company moved into. They are so juicy, sooooo hot, so yum!

5. Share an anti-resolution...that is, something you plan to keep on doing in the new year. 

~~ Keep my blog going, keep writing 750 Words a day, keep my Listography going

6. The Pantone color of the year for 2014 is radiant orchid. Like or no like? Would I find this color anywhere in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in this shade to either?

~~ I love it, it's very pretty! I'd definitely add more if I had the money, I was laid off of work on September 27, so I rarely add anything of any color anymore. I do have this color in my wardrobe already though!

7. In three words or less sum up your 2013.

~~ Forgettable, numbing, over

8. Insert your own random thought here.

~~ Wishing a very, very happy 2014 to all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with your words/day. I need to set a goal like that so I'm more disciplined in my writing. Happy New Year to you!
