Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January Numerology

If you are in an 8 PERSONAL YEAR, January is a 9 PERSONAL MONTH for you: It is time to emerge from the fog you have been in but you may feel a little confusion about exactly how to proceed. The good news is that you have done a lot of personal growth in the past year and are on sounder ground for the future. This year will be one that brings you recognition and rewards and even financial gains so you have allot to look forward to. Still, there is some letting go to do. You may have stress on a relationship and decide to end it. You may also be looking at other areas of your life where it is time to let go of things that are no longer serving your highest and greatest good. Best to make those changes so you can move forward. Your finances are set to improve over the year and experiencing difficulties with finances at this point only serves to motivate you to set goals and work smarter and harder to avoid being in this position. Next month will bring greater clarity so be patient this month.

~ Visible By Numbers

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